My Book “SOLOMON’S RECIPE” has arrived!


The essence of my book, SOLOMON’S RECIPE, was the first post on my blog. I expanded it into my first published book. It is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and most online book stores. Should you read it and find it worthy, please recommend it to your circle of friends. I am always open to your comments and how the book may have blessed you.

Note: Book is available as a paperback and eBook (Amazon Kindle + Barnes & Noble Nook)

Amazon Link::

Barnes & Noble Link:

Look for upcoming books “The Turning Points of Life ~ Realizing Those Moments That Change Everything” & “The Evolution of a Sushi Chef through the Eyes of His Father” and “Grieving ~ Finding Peace and Comfort in the Face of Loss”

Previews currently available on my Blog @

Books2Inspire website is now available at

